Monday, December 7, 2009

PRAYER: House of Cornelius- December 7, 2009

Please pray with us about the following:

  • Travel plans for the Pryors as they go to Idaho for their daughter's wedding and time with their children.
  • The property taxes in dispute
  • Carlos (a translator and friend in Juarez) and his family. He has just had brain surgery and the probability of him surviving is not good. Please pray for peace for his family.
  • Sara (the Wolcott's daughter) and a quick recovery from surgery
  • Heidi (our intern for the past 9 weeks) as she travels, and wisdom in desicions for what is next
  • Andy, who has a pinched nerve in is neck. Please pray that he would find relief from it and it would be healed
  • Saul's family- his grandmother passed away. Please be praying for his family.
  • Finances for HoC and IFM as a whole
  • For us to hear God's voice in direction for this location

Thanks for you continued prayers and support!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

PRAYER: House of Cornelius- October 19, 2009

Please pray with us about the following:

  • Juarez and the violence.
  • Upcoming Team: Unity, health, and clarity in the presentation of the gospel
  • HoC Staff: Health and unity
  • Protectiona and safety of the drivers of the bus, which is arriving Friday
  • Elvia, who has jury duty this week. Please pray it does not conflict with next week's schedule
  • Ice machine is down. Please pray for a resonable repair or another machine

Praise reports

  • Computers are back up and running! We have not pin-pointed the problem, but we are at least able to move around on the network and access internet.
  • We have had a breakthrough in the paperwork to obtain the property that Jenny's Comedor is on. Praise God, we have been antisipating this for months!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Prayer: House of Cornelius- October 12, 2009

Some of the things mentioned during our prayer meeting are:

  • Preparation for the team coming the last week of July
  • Unity for the team coming and our team here as we all prepare
  • We are having many computer issues that will challenge our preparation for the teams. Please pray that they would be resloved.
  • Finances for HoC, North, and the teams coming
  • Juarez and the violence
  • Rebeca, a translator that has been with us for a while, is having some health issues. Also, protection for her and her family as they continue to live in Juarez.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Prayer: House of Cornelius - July 13, 2009

We started our prayer meeting this week with praise reports from our interns and adult staff who had spent the previous week living at orphanages in Juarez. They each faced challenges (like loneliness, a language barrier, or unconventional bathroom facilities), but God was faithful and brought them through their experiences with a better understanding of His heart for the oppressed, widows, and orphans.

Now we will shift gears and spend the next two weeks preparing for our upcoming outreaches.

Please join us in prayer:

-for the preparation for the teams
-for the individuals and families coming on the outreaches, that they would be spiritually prepared and count the cost before coming to Juarez
-for the violence, as it has increased again over the last month
-for ministry finances and direction
-for the health and energy of Kathy Wolcott
-for David Wolcott, as he leaves for basic training this weekend. Pray for his spiritual preparation, as well as all the details that need to be taken care of before he goes, like an IFM database he is building.
-for John as he travels to a family reunion
-for Georgia and her clan, who are on vacation
-for the Pryors' house in ID and the family who is currently living there
-for Sharon, a friend of all of us at the House of Cornelius, as her mother has been ill while Sharon is in Juarez going through the adoption process
-for Joe Hart's health and energy

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

PRAYER: House of Cornelius- July 6, 2009

After a weekend of time spent with friends and family and some fireworks, we started off another week with our prayer meeting. We have three weeks to prepare for the next teams, the first of which arrives July 26th. So, we are starting to switch gears in order to focus on their arrival and their time on the border.

There were many needs mentioned today. Please join us in prayer about the following:
Georgia and her household:
  • Protection as they are leaving for vacation this weekend and will return next week. Also that it will be a time of rest and relaxation for everyone.
  • Finances throughout the summer
  • Funds for Georgia's teeth. She has been in alot of pain due to a couple of her teeth she needs to have fixed.

Jose Luis and his family:

  • Their visas where declined for renewal. Please pray for wisdom on how to proceed from here.

John Lambert:

  • Process for the boys adotption seems to be moving after months of no activity. Please pray that the process completes quickly and smoothly. Also pray that John experiences God's peace as he waits.

Andy and Kathy Wolcott and family:

  • Kathy and her health
  • Charlie as he travels this weekend to Dallas

Candi Pryor:

  • Healing for her wrist and the finances to be taken care of

HoC Interns and Adult Staff:

  • Each are spending this week in Mexico working with a ministry assisted by IFM. Please pray they embrace it, step out of comfort zones, and are truly a blessing during their time.

Specific HoC needs:

  • Food for Dispensa. We have an average of 80 people that come through for food and we have been running low.
  • Provision of a Kitchen Manager who's desire would be come along-side of us to serve with us.

Joe and Kathy Hart:

  • Joe's health
  • Upcoming family events


  • The violence has increased again as of beginning of June. We understand that God has this situation under his control, even if it seems chaotic. Please pray that those who are preparing to come on teams, put all of their trust in the Lord and do not give into fear. Also pray for the faith, perseverance and provision of ministries who are struggling.

Monday, June 29, 2009

PRAYER: House of Cornelius- June 29, 2009

In our weekly meeting, Mark focused on the significance of Cornelius in the book of Acts and his "encounter" with God. Cornelius played a unique role in how God wanted to open up the direction of ministry to the Gentiles as well as the Jews, showing no partiality. Mark was pointing out how significant it is that this branch of IFM is named after him, both for the ministry that is currently being done through here and the direction of the future.

God is broadening the ministry possibilities as part of the vision and we are praying about direction in that.

Please join us in prayer about these specific requests:
-Jonathan, Beth's husband, as he is in Iraq serving our country
-Candi's wrist and the healing of it
-Georgia's teeth and provision of funds to get them taken care of
-Our summer interns/adult staff as they prepare to spend a week in Mexico
-Andy and Kathy Wolcott as they spend time with family in Colorado
-Joe & Kathy Hart
-IFM/HoC finances
-The need of food for dispensa

Monday, June 22, 2009

Prayer: House of Cornelius - June 22, 2009

At our weekly staff prayer, Mark spoke from Acts, reminding us that Peter and John asked God to "enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness." And God was faithful. He answered their prayer and the Kingdom of God spread from house to house in Jerusalem and beyond. It is our joint prayer that His Kingdom would continue to spread from house to house in Juarez and beyond.

Please join us in praying for these specific requests:
-Kayla Pryor as she re-joins the family in Fabens
-the Wolcotts as they travel again
-the finances of the ministry as a whole
-a total and miraculous healing of Candi's wrist as a testimony to God the Physician and Provider
-Rachel, one of our translators, as she studies and prepares for a GED
-wisdom for Mark and Jose Luis as they consider legal contracts to buy the land at Brother Ray's Feeding Center
-prayer as illness has hit some folks, but praise that others are feeling better!

"Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ."
-Acts 5:42

Monday, June 15, 2009

PRAYER: House of Cornelius- June 15, 2009

We are thankful for the safe return of Andy and Kathy Wolcott and their 2 grandchildren, who they will be caring for over the next few weeks. Everyone is back on campus and with the added interns, the place is hustling and bustling with activity.

However, there was still a sense of weariness as we met for prayer this morning.

Please pray with us for the following:
-God's refreshment for this week to acomplish the tasks before us
-Elias, a man who is temporarily staying with Jose Luis and Christina, is needing a quick process in getting his immigration papers
-The safety of the Wolcott's daughter and her husband who are in India for a few weeks
-The speedy receipt of passport cards that Georgia is waiting for
-The safety of Mary's family as they are on a missions trip in Africa
-Safety as John travels to Denver this week for meetings
-Sharon and Hap Foster as they adjust to their newly adopted daughter (Sandra) and are now living in Mexico

Thank you for your continued prayer and support!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

PRAYER: House of Cornelius- June 8, 2009

The month of May was expected to be slower, so many of the HoC staff took some time off to travel and rest. It is now the beginning of June and most of us have returned, with the exception of Andy and Kathy, who will be returning this week. This morning, we sent off a smaller team that have been here since Wednesday. This team had a unique focus and purpose that differs from other teams. They specificly came to pray with and hear the hearts of the ministries we partner with in Juarez. God is doing something fresh and new in Juarez and in IFM and we are anticipating His direction.

We have two interns (Christina Sheridan, Mary Van Vleet) and one adult staff (Beth McCoy) that are helping us for the summer. Christina and Mary have arrived and are settling in, while Beth is schedueld to arrive in the next two weeks. This has been an answer to prayer and we anticipate the continued growth of the internship program.

Please be praying with us about the following:
-The team that is heading back home
-The preparation for the teams coming in the next months, both in their hearts and here
-Meeting regarding our land this week and taxes that are owed
-The violence in Juarez to, once again, decrease
-Hap and Sharon Foster, who are adopting a 16-year old girl from Mexico, are staying with us while they hope to finish the process. Please pray that it goes quickly and smoothly.
-Georgia is still awaiting passport cards for some of her children
-Andy and Kathy Wolcott have their grandkids and will be traveling back to HoC Thursday. Please pray for a smooth travel day and their safe return.

Thank you for keeping us in your prayers!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Prayer: IFM North April 24th

Today was the last Friday that the Potters will be facilitating the North’s Friday prayer gathering. As you may know Kevin, Linsey and their family will be relocating from Colorado in the summer. Pray for them as they move through this period of their lives and if you would like to know more about their journey and support them during this transition period see

This week the IFM North community was thankful that another month in Ciudad Juarez has seen a decrease in violence.

A team from Cheyenne was in the city last week and saw God move in a myriad of different ways bringing blessing to many people.

The North team also thank God that a church in Colorado by will be using IFM north as part of their share-fest program and helping with remodeling work that is desperately required. An adventure scout has also taken up the challenge of assisting IFM and is looking to help in the reforestation (tree planting) of the IFM compound.

We would ask you to thank God for the above and pray for the completion of these projects and that the devil would not bring in any distraction that may derail the ventures.

Thank God also for the good response in helping to meet the financial challenges of the ministry and pray that more short and long-term donations would come in.

Please also pray for:

  • Additional work for Grace Coach line and the linked maintenance industries that God would provide constant work and meet the needs of the business in such a way that there would be abundance for others.
  • IFM outreaches as there is a possible prayer outreach being developed and for addi5tional outreaches.
  • Staff both at Grace and within the IFM outreaches office. A replacement for Linsey is urgently needed and notification letter is going out to raise the awareness of this need
  • The team at the House of Cornelius as some travel back home for rest and to spend time with their church and families.
  • The provision for the the financial need of the whole ministry team so that the ministry can continue to meet the needs of the poor that God puts before it.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

House of Cornelius-April 11, 2009

We are in anticipation of our next outreach team, which is due to arrive tomorrow. We are thanking God that the violence has decreased and know that God has alot in store for this next week.
Please pray for the following:
1) Unity for the team, that they would follow the Lord's leading and fulfill His purpose
2) The people of Juarez, that the light of Christ would shine through in the midst of chaos
3) Strength and focus during the upcoming week to also follow the Lord's leading in ministry to and with the team

Friday, April 10, 2009

Prayer: IFM North April 10th

Praise God for the decrease in murders & violence in Juarez during the month of March.

  • Thank God for the opportunities for prayer and ministry there have been with the security forces and the ordinary people in Juarez.
  • Praise God for the measure of health that has been given to Joe Hart.

    Please pray for:

    Grace Coach lines and for:
  • Roberto’s grandson, who is deaf in one ear and needs medical attention and healing,
  • Joe K as he leads Grace and for his wider family and the medical needs there are.
  • More business as this time of year is less than what it was 12 months ago.
  • Creative business ideas and creative openness to new ideas and ways of functioning
  • For the IFM/Grace leadership, as they follow Gods agenda for the ministry in these turbulent times.

    Please pray for the IFM ministry:
  • An outreach is traveling down to Juarez this weekend; please seek Gods heart that next week they will be able to be the hands & heart of Jesus whilst they are in Juarez.
  • A replacement for Linsey as the Potters taper out of IFM and relocate in early July
  • For the Potter family during this transition period
  • For the health concerns that Holly has for her family
  • Joe Hart’s health and peace and support for Kathy as Linsey leaves
  • Jim W, he has significant back fractures that are affecting his life

  • Pease pray for the team at the HOC, that God would provide financially and abundantly for them as they minister on the border. This would be with the outreaches but also in other avenues of ministry that God opens up
  • Thank God for the team at HOC as individuals and as a team and ask the father to pour out his joy, peace and blessing in overpowering amounts, so that they and the folks they serve would be strengthened and blessed.

Monday, April 6, 2009

House of Cornelius April 6, 2009

After a light work week and rest, we are gearing up in preparations for the next team that will arrive Sunday night. The anticipation is high and we are excited to see what God does during their time here, both in their own lives and the lives of those in Juarez.

To start off the week, we had our weekly missionary staff meeting. Please be praying with us about the following needs:
-Health of the staff here, some are still fighting sickness
-Continued unity among the staff here, and unity for the upcoming team
-Ofelia needs wisdom regarding a situation involving her house in Mexico

Thank you for your prayers and support!

Monday, March 30, 2009

House of Cornelius- March 30, 2009

We have finished our first two outreaches of the season and are now in preparation for our next team in April.

Prayer needs for this week:
-Pray for the Good Shepherd and Idaho team as they go back to their lives and process through what the Lord did in thier lives here.
-Pray for the team that is coming April 12-18 and the preparations for their arrival.
-Rest and rejuvenation while we finish up with the last teams and begin preparations for the next team. Some of the staff is also fighting sickness.
-Protection for Andy Wolcott as he assists his church in bus driving to Austin this week.

God really moved in the time the last two teams were here. In preparation, each team and individual had to really hear the Lord if they were to come. We were able to see the Lord use their trust in him every day in Mexico. One team even had the opportunity to minister to the military before crossing the border back into the US. We thank God for what he did in Juarez and in the lives of those on the teams.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Here @ the HOC:
We had our prayer meeting on Monday morning and here are some of the needs from our location in IFM. But first, we just wanted to mention a few answers to prayers! 1) Ofelia, who has been one of our translators, has come on board as our kitchen coordinator. The timing is perfect with the arrival of teams beginning next week. 2)Thaine Norris was able to come down for a few days and help us out with some "technical issues" that have needed to be resolved. He was also able to provide a new phone system for increased efficiency.

Please join us in prayer:
1) Finances for HOC
2) For the staff here as we prepare for the teams
3) For the teams as they prepare to come
4) The bus crossing approval with Mexico before teams arrive
5) Favor with the El Paso city attorney during an up coming herring regarding a desired tax exempt status on some property
6) Food donations for our monthly Dispensa

Thank you for your prayers!

Prayer: IFM North March 6th

Pray for:
Ciudad Juarez:

  • Jenny Tapia from Brother Ray’s that she would be able to get back and forth across the border as the organization that was assisting her has relocated from Juarez.
  • Continue to pray for Jose Luis, Christina Torres and family.
  • There is now approximately 7000 security personnel in the city pray for stability.


  • It would be helpful to Grace Coach lines if there were ongoing regular contracts. Praise God for the various charters but regular weekly contracts would be extremely helpful in the current economic climate.
  • Protection of the drivers and sterngth and wisdom for the mechanics.
  • Roberto's grandson, Daniel, who is deaf in his left ear. The doctors think he will need surgery, however, that can not occur for a while. Please pray for Gods healing and restoration of sound for him.

Outreaches and the HOC

  • Praise God for someone to work in the kitchen at the HOC.
  • The outreach that leaves this Saturday, and for the team in the North office and the team at the HOC as they facilitate and coordinate the current and upcoming programs.
  • Someone to take over from Linsey Potter
  • The folks on the outreach as they dovetail into the HOC existing work and that they will be a blessing to the people down on the border and for their protection.
  • The IFM team as they facilitate some hard hitting conversations and assist the outreach teams in ministering in a conflict situation.
  • The junior staff as they undertake a fund raiser they are looking to collect any spare change and raise money for a good cause.
  • Thank God that Kevin had a good time as he visited his family and for his dad & sisters as they look after his mother.
  • The continuation of healing for Joe Hart and for healing for Keith Joe & Kathy’s son-in-law.
  • The IFM Operating & Advisory Board members as they continually seek Gods heart in relation to ongoing outreaches within the complex Ciudad Juarez scenario.
  • Gods provision and strength for the Potter family as they relocate from Colorado in the summer and move into their next phase of life.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Prayer: IFM North February 27th

Hi Folks

We have just had our little prayer gathering and there are various aspects of the IFM life and community that we would appreciate your prayers for. These are quite diverse and in some instances we have only given a general overview but would appreciate creative praying.

We prayed:

  • For God to intervene in the unrest in Juarez as it continues, but is now seemingly quite localized to certain areas and focused on various individuals. Recently the mayor of Juarez had to leave his city and seek asylum across the border in El Paso.

  • That the government officials, security authorities would be able to do their jobs and bring order to the city.

  • For the various churches in the city, that they would be able to bring the light of Gods kingdom during these dark times. Pray also for the IFM staff on the border that they would be protected as they move around the city.

  • For the upcoming outreaches that will be in Juarez, for strength, provision and peace. Also that they could be used as catalysts of the kingdom during their stay.

  • That God would grant favour on Grace and give it more work as well as thanking him for the work that has been given. Please pray for the guys who are in the workshop alongside Joe K that they would be strengthened as their work can often mean staying up late into the early hours fixing problems.

  • Robert as he ministers to a family in his church that are experiencing difficulties. Pray that Robert would have wisdom and the family would find favour and Christ would be their champion.

  • For some good friends and old colleges who have just had their seventh child a little daughter called Charys. Pray for them as the rest of their kids are sick and they need the healing touch of the spirit to minister to them hopefully before the baby comes back home.

  • For Gods favour for Sue ling as she travels down to Fabens to liaise with the city authorities and seeks to complete various administrative and legal issues.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Prayer: IFM North Feb. 6

  • Pray for the city of Juarez and the continuing violence. Pray for strength for God’s people in the city and that they would find hope in this time of hardship. Also pray for their protection. Also be praying for the gov. officials of Juarez and the border guards.
  • Grace Coach Line: Praise God that they have an abundant amount of work in the next couple weeks and continue to pray for more work for the future. Also, there are several positions needing to be filled so pray that God would bring the right people to fill those positions. Continue to pray for protection over the busses mechanically that nothing would go wrong during trips.
  • Charlie Reed is heading down to HOC this week to minister to the staff and missionaries. Please be praying for his protection as he travels and that his time down there will be a blessing to all.
  • There are three outreach teams going down between March and May so pray for the teams as they prepare and that they will feel God’s total peace about going into Juarez. On that note also be praying for their protection. Pray for God’s provision in numbers and financially for the teams
  • Be praying that God will bring in someone to take Linsey’s place this spring.
  • Pray for provision of a kitchen staff down at HOC
  • Praise God that IFM was able to secure a new office in Mexico. Pray that it will work well to the needs of IFM and that it will be a safe place.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Prayer: IFM North Jan 16th

Today our gathering was short due to various factors, however, it was good to be able to rest in God and seek His heart and wisdom.

As you will see from the links on the IFM blog site there is still desperate need for prayer regarding the people of Ciudad Juarez. The violence continues unabated and we would ask you to pray for Gods hand to hold back the men & women of violence. Please pray that the love of Christ would be paramount in the city and the people of God would be empowered, by the power of the kingdom, to be catalysts and influence's of change. Pray for the IFM team on the border and in Mexico that they would be cocooned in Gods protection.

Other areas we sought Gods wisdom and intervention were:

  • For the IFM board as it meets this weekend and part of next week. We would ask for wisdom and insight so that IFM may move forward as God intends.
  • Relating to Mark, Candy and family as they are currently in Utah were they are visiting friends and facilitating an IFM training session for the local church. Early next week they will travel back down to Fabens, stopping at Colorado on the way. Pray for safety as they travel, there has been some severe weather over these last few months, it would be great if they could have safe and simple journey back to the border.
  • Regarding the IFM North office as it is still being impacted by health issues; continued prayer for health and healing would be appreciated.
  • In continued prayer for Grace, that they could obtain additional long term contracts and would garner the required additional staff and financial strength in this current economic environment.
  • For the continued needs of the outreach area of IFM as it looks to provide a substitute for Linsey, when she leaves in April. Also that Shirin, Kathy and Linsey would be able to facilitate the upcoming outreaches in timely manner.
    They have been encouraged at the way the process is currently progressing and thank you for your prayers.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Prayer: IFM North Jan 9th

As the North Team gathered for prayer we were struck by the wonderful provision of God over the preceding weeks. There had been very specific financial needs that the Lord met in wonderful and encouraging ways that empowered the team to move into the challenges of 2009.

Therefore, thank you very much for your prayers and provision that has been such a blessing to this ministry.

So as we launch into January 09 we would ask you to join us as we seek Gods creative intervention for the following:

Grace Coach lines have had some significant gifts that have helped it over these last couple of months and we would ask you to pray for:

  • Additional support but also that Grace would be able to access consistent ongoing contracts. Grace has various contracts in the coming months but additional work would be helpful.
  • The protection of the drivers and all who use the Grace Coaches.
  • That there would be technical and mechanical protection for the busses
  • Jimmy as he has moved onto another employer. Jimmy has done a great job at Grace and will be missed. It was good working alongside him and we pray that the Lord will give him favour in his new role and that Grace would be able to get someone as good as him. Please also join us in praying for Jimmy’s niece who has glaucoma

With regard to the 09 outreaches please pray for Kathy, Linsey, Shirin and the various volunteers who help IFM. Due to the unique nature of the last six months at IFM there is a lot that these folks are trying to catch up on. Plus Linsey will be completing her time with IFM in April and there needs to be a replacement or replacements incorporated before she leaves.

Some teams are looking at rearranging their outreaches which, possibly, gives an opportunity for others to take up those slots. However, this can also cause an administrational and logistical knot to unravel and as this is alongside the normal administration activity of arranging the confirmed outreaches, please pray for health and well being for the team at IFM.

The IFM team has been significantly impacted by various health issues and a former colleague, Mike Hutchins, is also having some medical tests and we would ask you to pray for Mike, Laurie and the family as well.

Please pray for the board members of IFM and their families:
Kathy recently released an up date and the following is a portion of that communiqué.

We have great news from Joe's lab results to share with all of you.
We had basic blood work done to see how his systems are faring among which we tested for anemia, any infections still lingering, his ability to absorb nutrition, his liver functions and his pancreatic functions - all of which were dangerously out of whack before. We received two pages of lab results and (drum roll)... everything was within the normal ranges! Our doctor said the results were "amazing" and had improved much more rapidly than one would ever expect. Yay!!!! Thank you all so much for your prayers!!!
We also got the tumor marker test back. This test picks up tumor activity in the bile ducts or pancreas. Normal range for the test is 0-39 or 0-55 depending on what source you read, and it can go into the thousands. Unfortunately it also picks up obstructions so the number can be artificially high b/c of an obstruction like Joe had. Joe has had the test done twice before - the first time was 450 and the second time it was 1000. This time his number was 50!
Such encouraging reports! We are grateful for this gift of greatly improving health from the Lord!!
One of the significant things God has pressed into us during all of this is our dependence upon the Body of Christ. So, please rejoice with us. This is ALL of our celebration! This is definitely a group project :-) We are staying the course and looking to the Lord for all things. We will keep you updated. “

Praise God for his provision and pray that all the families of the leaders of the IFM ministry would be protected and be given the practical, physical and spiritual resources of the Kingdom for the needs that they face.
Pray that wisdom and insight would be given to them as they lead and direct the IFM ministry in 09.

Over the last couple of months Kathy daughter, Greta, has been living with her and helping her, however, on the 11th Jan Greta and her family returned to Scotland. Pray for peace for Kathy, Greta and family as they get used to being apart again; Cameron, Greta & Keith’s son had pains in his leg just before they returned home and we would ask you to pray for him and the rest of the children as they too settle into Scotland after thier adventure in the Colorado.