Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Prayer: House of Cornelius - July 13, 2009

We started our prayer meeting this week with praise reports from our interns and adult staff who had spent the previous week living at orphanages in Juarez. They each faced challenges (like loneliness, a language barrier, or unconventional bathroom facilities), but God was faithful and brought them through their experiences with a better understanding of His heart for the oppressed, widows, and orphans.

Now we will shift gears and spend the next two weeks preparing for our upcoming outreaches.

Please join us in prayer:

-for the preparation for the teams
-for the individuals and families coming on the outreaches, that they would be spiritually prepared and count the cost before coming to Juarez
-for the violence, as it has increased again over the last month
-for ministry finances and direction
-for the health and energy of Kathy Wolcott
-for David Wolcott, as he leaves for basic training this weekend. Pray for his spiritual preparation, as well as all the details that need to be taken care of before he goes, like an IFM database he is building.
-for John as he travels to a family reunion
-for Georgia and her clan, who are on vacation
-for the Pryors' house in ID and the family who is currently living there
-for Sharon, a friend of all of us at the House of Cornelius, as her mother has been ill while Sharon is in Juarez going through the adoption process
-for Joe Hart's health and energy

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