Monday, March 30, 2009

House of Cornelius- March 30, 2009

We have finished our first two outreaches of the season and are now in preparation for our next team in April.

Prayer needs for this week:
-Pray for the Good Shepherd and Idaho team as they go back to their lives and process through what the Lord did in thier lives here.
-Pray for the team that is coming April 12-18 and the preparations for their arrival.
-Rest and rejuvenation while we finish up with the last teams and begin preparations for the next team. Some of the staff is also fighting sickness.
-Protection for Andy Wolcott as he assists his church in bus driving to Austin this week.

God really moved in the time the last two teams were here. In preparation, each team and individual had to really hear the Lord if they were to come. We were able to see the Lord use their trust in him every day in Mexico. One team even had the opportunity to minister to the military before crossing the border back into the US. We thank God for what he did in Juarez and in the lives of those on the teams.

1 comment:

Mission Juarez Spring Break 2009 said...

It was amazing to see what God did in Juarez last week; what an honor it is to be an instrument of what God did. While I didn't fly home with the rest of the team, I know everyone felt the same.

The people of Juarez are now in our hearts and in our prayers as our all of you at the HOC.

Calvin (Mighty to Save team from Boise)