Monday, April 6, 2009

House of Cornelius April 6, 2009

After a light work week and rest, we are gearing up in preparations for the next team that will arrive Sunday night. The anticipation is high and we are excited to see what God does during their time here, both in their own lives and the lives of those in Juarez.

To start off the week, we had our weekly missionary staff meeting. Please be praying with us about the following needs:
-Health of the staff here, some are still fighting sickness
-Continued unity among the staff here, and unity for the upcoming team
-Ofelia needs wisdom regarding a situation involving her house in Mexico

Thank you for your prayers and support!

1 comment:

brachinski said...

Cathy Slade this is Bertha Rachinski, my daughter Anneke just moved to Littleton where she will be having a baby.. I am arriving there on the 19th to see her and help.. would love to see you again..