Monday, June 15, 2009

PRAYER: House of Cornelius- June 15, 2009

We are thankful for the safe return of Andy and Kathy Wolcott and their 2 grandchildren, who they will be caring for over the next few weeks. Everyone is back on campus and with the added interns, the place is hustling and bustling with activity.

However, there was still a sense of weariness as we met for prayer this morning.

Please pray with us for the following:
-God's refreshment for this week to acomplish the tasks before us
-Elias, a man who is temporarily staying with Jose Luis and Christina, is needing a quick process in getting his immigration papers
-The safety of the Wolcott's daughter and her husband who are in India for a few weeks
-The speedy receipt of passport cards that Georgia is waiting for
-The safety of Mary's family as they are on a missions trip in Africa
-Safety as John travels to Denver this week for meetings
-Sharon and Hap Foster as they adjust to their newly adopted daughter (Sandra) and are now living in Mexico

Thank you for your continued prayer and support!!

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