Monday, June 29, 2009

PRAYER: House of Cornelius- June 29, 2009

In our weekly meeting, Mark focused on the significance of Cornelius in the book of Acts and his "encounter" with God. Cornelius played a unique role in how God wanted to open up the direction of ministry to the Gentiles as well as the Jews, showing no partiality. Mark was pointing out how significant it is that this branch of IFM is named after him, both for the ministry that is currently being done through here and the direction of the future.

God is broadening the ministry possibilities as part of the vision and we are praying about direction in that.

Please join us in prayer about these specific requests:
-Jonathan, Beth's husband, as he is in Iraq serving our country
-Candi's wrist and the healing of it
-Georgia's teeth and provision of funds to get them taken care of
-Our summer interns/adult staff as they prepare to spend a week in Mexico
-Andy and Kathy Wolcott as they spend time with family in Colorado
-Joe & Kathy Hart
-IFM/HoC finances
-The need of food for dispensa

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