Monday, June 29, 2009

PRAYER: House of Cornelius- June 29, 2009

In our weekly meeting, Mark focused on the significance of Cornelius in the book of Acts and his "encounter" with God. Cornelius played a unique role in how God wanted to open up the direction of ministry to the Gentiles as well as the Jews, showing no partiality. Mark was pointing out how significant it is that this branch of IFM is named after him, both for the ministry that is currently being done through here and the direction of the future.

God is broadening the ministry possibilities as part of the vision and we are praying about direction in that.

Please join us in prayer about these specific requests:
-Jonathan, Beth's husband, as he is in Iraq serving our country
-Candi's wrist and the healing of it
-Georgia's teeth and provision of funds to get them taken care of
-Our summer interns/adult staff as they prepare to spend a week in Mexico
-Andy and Kathy Wolcott as they spend time with family in Colorado
-Joe & Kathy Hart
-IFM/HoC finances
-The need of food for dispensa

Monday, June 22, 2009

Prayer: House of Cornelius - June 22, 2009

At our weekly staff prayer, Mark spoke from Acts, reminding us that Peter and John asked God to "enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness." And God was faithful. He answered their prayer and the Kingdom of God spread from house to house in Jerusalem and beyond. It is our joint prayer that His Kingdom would continue to spread from house to house in Juarez and beyond.

Please join us in praying for these specific requests:
-Kayla Pryor as she re-joins the family in Fabens
-the Wolcotts as they travel again
-the finances of the ministry as a whole
-a total and miraculous healing of Candi's wrist as a testimony to God the Physician and Provider
-Rachel, one of our translators, as she studies and prepares for a GED
-wisdom for Mark and Jose Luis as they consider legal contracts to buy the land at Brother Ray's Feeding Center
-prayer as illness has hit some folks, but praise that others are feeling better!

"Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ."
-Acts 5:42

Monday, June 15, 2009

PRAYER: House of Cornelius- June 15, 2009

We are thankful for the safe return of Andy and Kathy Wolcott and their 2 grandchildren, who they will be caring for over the next few weeks. Everyone is back on campus and with the added interns, the place is hustling and bustling with activity.

However, there was still a sense of weariness as we met for prayer this morning.

Please pray with us for the following:
-God's refreshment for this week to acomplish the tasks before us
-Elias, a man who is temporarily staying with Jose Luis and Christina, is needing a quick process in getting his immigration papers
-The safety of the Wolcott's daughter and her husband who are in India for a few weeks
-The speedy receipt of passport cards that Georgia is waiting for
-The safety of Mary's family as they are on a missions trip in Africa
-Safety as John travels to Denver this week for meetings
-Sharon and Hap Foster as they adjust to their newly adopted daughter (Sandra) and are now living in Mexico

Thank you for your continued prayer and support!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

PRAYER: House of Cornelius- June 8, 2009

The month of May was expected to be slower, so many of the HoC staff took some time off to travel and rest. It is now the beginning of June and most of us have returned, with the exception of Andy and Kathy, who will be returning this week. This morning, we sent off a smaller team that have been here since Wednesday. This team had a unique focus and purpose that differs from other teams. They specificly came to pray with and hear the hearts of the ministries we partner with in Juarez. God is doing something fresh and new in Juarez and in IFM and we are anticipating His direction.

We have two interns (Christina Sheridan, Mary Van Vleet) and one adult staff (Beth McCoy) that are helping us for the summer. Christina and Mary have arrived and are settling in, while Beth is schedueld to arrive in the next two weeks. This has been an answer to prayer and we anticipate the continued growth of the internship program.

Please be praying with us about the following:
-The team that is heading back home
-The preparation for the teams coming in the next months, both in their hearts and here
-Meeting regarding our land this week and taxes that are owed
-The violence in Juarez to, once again, decrease
-Hap and Sharon Foster, who are adopting a 16-year old girl from Mexico, are staying with us while they hope to finish the process. Please pray that it goes quickly and smoothly.
-Georgia is still awaiting passport cards for some of her children
-Andy and Kathy Wolcott have their grandkids and will be traveling back to HoC Thursday. Please pray for a smooth travel day and their safe return.

Thank you for keeping us in your prayers!