Monday, December 7, 2009

PRAYER: House of Cornelius- December 7, 2009

Please pray with us about the following:

  • Travel plans for the Pryors as they go to Idaho for their daughter's wedding and time with their children.
  • The property taxes in dispute
  • Carlos (a translator and friend in Juarez) and his family. He has just had brain surgery and the probability of him surviving is not good. Please pray for peace for his family.
  • Sara (the Wolcott's daughter) and a quick recovery from surgery
  • Heidi (our intern for the past 9 weeks) as she travels, and wisdom in desicions for what is next
  • Andy, who has a pinched nerve in is neck. Please pray that he would find relief from it and it would be healed
  • Saul's family- his grandmother passed away. Please be praying for his family.
  • Finances for HoC and IFM as a whole
  • For us to hear God's voice in direction for this location

Thanks for you continued prayers and support!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

PRAYER: House of Cornelius- October 19, 2009

Please pray with us about the following:

  • Juarez and the violence.
  • Upcoming Team: Unity, health, and clarity in the presentation of the gospel
  • HoC Staff: Health and unity
  • Protectiona and safety of the drivers of the bus, which is arriving Friday
  • Elvia, who has jury duty this week. Please pray it does not conflict with next week's schedule
  • Ice machine is down. Please pray for a resonable repair or another machine

Praise reports

  • Computers are back up and running! We have not pin-pointed the problem, but we are at least able to move around on the network and access internet.
  • We have had a breakthrough in the paperwork to obtain the property that Jenny's Comedor is on. Praise God, we have been antisipating this for months!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Prayer: House of Cornelius- October 12, 2009

Some of the things mentioned during our prayer meeting are:

  • Preparation for the team coming the last week of July
  • Unity for the team coming and our team here as we all prepare
  • We are having many computer issues that will challenge our preparation for the teams. Please pray that they would be resloved.
  • Finances for HoC, North, and the teams coming
  • Juarez and the violence
  • Rebeca, a translator that has been with us for a while, is having some health issues. Also, protection for her and her family as they continue to live in Juarez.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Prayer: House of Cornelius - July 13, 2009

We started our prayer meeting this week with praise reports from our interns and adult staff who had spent the previous week living at orphanages in Juarez. They each faced challenges (like loneliness, a language barrier, or unconventional bathroom facilities), but God was faithful and brought them through their experiences with a better understanding of His heart for the oppressed, widows, and orphans.

Now we will shift gears and spend the next two weeks preparing for our upcoming outreaches.

Please join us in prayer:

-for the preparation for the teams
-for the individuals and families coming on the outreaches, that they would be spiritually prepared and count the cost before coming to Juarez
-for the violence, as it has increased again over the last month
-for ministry finances and direction
-for the health and energy of Kathy Wolcott
-for David Wolcott, as he leaves for basic training this weekend. Pray for his spiritual preparation, as well as all the details that need to be taken care of before he goes, like an IFM database he is building.
-for John as he travels to a family reunion
-for Georgia and her clan, who are on vacation
-for the Pryors' house in ID and the family who is currently living there
-for Sharon, a friend of all of us at the House of Cornelius, as her mother has been ill while Sharon is in Juarez going through the adoption process
-for Joe Hart's health and energy

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

PRAYER: House of Cornelius- July 6, 2009

After a weekend of time spent with friends and family and some fireworks, we started off another week with our prayer meeting. We have three weeks to prepare for the next teams, the first of which arrives July 26th. So, we are starting to switch gears in order to focus on their arrival and their time on the border.

There were many needs mentioned today. Please join us in prayer about the following:
Georgia and her household:
  • Protection as they are leaving for vacation this weekend and will return next week. Also that it will be a time of rest and relaxation for everyone.
  • Finances throughout the summer
  • Funds for Georgia's teeth. She has been in alot of pain due to a couple of her teeth she needs to have fixed.

Jose Luis and his family:

  • Their visas where declined for renewal. Please pray for wisdom on how to proceed from here.

John Lambert:

  • Process for the boys adotption seems to be moving after months of no activity. Please pray that the process completes quickly and smoothly. Also pray that John experiences God's peace as he waits.

Andy and Kathy Wolcott and family:

  • Kathy and her health
  • Charlie as he travels this weekend to Dallas

Candi Pryor:

  • Healing for her wrist and the finances to be taken care of

HoC Interns and Adult Staff:

  • Each are spending this week in Mexico working with a ministry assisted by IFM. Please pray they embrace it, step out of comfort zones, and are truly a blessing during their time.

Specific HoC needs:

  • Food for Dispensa. We have an average of 80 people that come through for food and we have been running low.
  • Provision of a Kitchen Manager who's desire would be come along-side of us to serve with us.

Joe and Kathy Hart:

  • Joe's health
  • Upcoming family events


  • The violence has increased again as of beginning of June. We understand that God has this situation under his control, even if it seems chaotic. Please pray that those who are preparing to come on teams, put all of their trust in the Lord and do not give into fear. Also pray for the faith, perseverance and provision of ministries who are struggling.

Monday, June 29, 2009

PRAYER: House of Cornelius- June 29, 2009

In our weekly meeting, Mark focused on the significance of Cornelius in the book of Acts and his "encounter" with God. Cornelius played a unique role in how God wanted to open up the direction of ministry to the Gentiles as well as the Jews, showing no partiality. Mark was pointing out how significant it is that this branch of IFM is named after him, both for the ministry that is currently being done through here and the direction of the future.

God is broadening the ministry possibilities as part of the vision and we are praying about direction in that.

Please join us in prayer about these specific requests:
-Jonathan, Beth's husband, as he is in Iraq serving our country
-Candi's wrist and the healing of it
-Georgia's teeth and provision of funds to get them taken care of
-Our summer interns/adult staff as they prepare to spend a week in Mexico
-Andy and Kathy Wolcott as they spend time with family in Colorado
-Joe & Kathy Hart
-IFM/HoC finances
-The need of food for dispensa

Monday, June 22, 2009

Prayer: House of Cornelius - June 22, 2009

At our weekly staff prayer, Mark spoke from Acts, reminding us that Peter and John asked God to "enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness." And God was faithful. He answered their prayer and the Kingdom of God spread from house to house in Jerusalem and beyond. It is our joint prayer that His Kingdom would continue to spread from house to house in Juarez and beyond.

Please join us in praying for these specific requests:
-Kayla Pryor as she re-joins the family in Fabens
-the Wolcotts as they travel again
-the finances of the ministry as a whole
-a total and miraculous healing of Candi's wrist as a testimony to God the Physician and Provider
-Rachel, one of our translators, as she studies and prepares for a GED
-wisdom for Mark and Jose Luis as they consider legal contracts to buy the land at Brother Ray's Feeding Center
-prayer as illness has hit some folks, but praise that others are feeling better!

"Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ."
-Acts 5:42