Friday, April 24, 2009

Prayer: IFM North April 24th

Today was the last Friday that the Potters will be facilitating the North’s Friday prayer gathering. As you may know Kevin, Linsey and their family will be relocating from Colorado in the summer. Pray for them as they move through this period of their lives and if you would like to know more about their journey and support them during this transition period see

This week the IFM North community was thankful that another month in Ciudad Juarez has seen a decrease in violence.

A team from Cheyenne was in the city last week and saw God move in a myriad of different ways bringing blessing to many people.

The North team also thank God that a church in Colorado by will be using IFM north as part of their share-fest program and helping with remodeling work that is desperately required. An adventure scout has also taken up the challenge of assisting IFM and is looking to help in the reforestation (tree planting) of the IFM compound.

We would ask you to thank God for the above and pray for the completion of these projects and that the devil would not bring in any distraction that may derail the ventures.

Thank God also for the good response in helping to meet the financial challenges of the ministry and pray that more short and long-term donations would come in.

Please also pray for:

  • Additional work for Grace Coach line and the linked maintenance industries that God would provide constant work and meet the needs of the business in such a way that there would be abundance for others.
  • IFM outreaches as there is a possible prayer outreach being developed and for addi5tional outreaches.
  • Staff both at Grace and within the IFM outreaches office. A replacement for Linsey is urgently needed and notification letter is going out to raise the awareness of this need
  • The team at the House of Cornelius as some travel back home for rest and to spend time with their church and families.
  • The provision for the the financial need of the whole ministry team so that the ministry can continue to meet the needs of the poor that God puts before it.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

House of Cornelius-April 11, 2009

We are in anticipation of our next outreach team, which is due to arrive tomorrow. We are thanking God that the violence has decreased and know that God has alot in store for this next week.
Please pray for the following:
1) Unity for the team, that they would follow the Lord's leading and fulfill His purpose
2) The people of Juarez, that the light of Christ would shine through in the midst of chaos
3) Strength and focus during the upcoming week to also follow the Lord's leading in ministry to and with the team

Friday, April 10, 2009

Prayer: IFM North April 10th

Praise God for the decrease in murders & violence in Juarez during the month of March.

  • Thank God for the opportunities for prayer and ministry there have been with the security forces and the ordinary people in Juarez.
  • Praise God for the measure of health that has been given to Joe Hart.

    Please pray for:

    Grace Coach lines and for:
  • Roberto’s grandson, who is deaf in one ear and needs medical attention and healing,
  • Joe K as he leads Grace and for his wider family and the medical needs there are.
  • More business as this time of year is less than what it was 12 months ago.
  • Creative business ideas and creative openness to new ideas and ways of functioning
  • For the IFM/Grace leadership, as they follow Gods agenda for the ministry in these turbulent times.

    Please pray for the IFM ministry:
  • An outreach is traveling down to Juarez this weekend; please seek Gods heart that next week they will be able to be the hands & heart of Jesus whilst they are in Juarez.
  • A replacement for Linsey as the Potters taper out of IFM and relocate in early July
  • For the Potter family during this transition period
  • For the health concerns that Holly has for her family
  • Joe Hart’s health and peace and support for Kathy as Linsey leaves
  • Jim W, he has significant back fractures that are affecting his life

  • Pease pray for the team at the HOC, that God would provide financially and abundantly for them as they minister on the border. This would be with the outreaches but also in other avenues of ministry that God opens up
  • Thank God for the team at HOC as individuals and as a team and ask the father to pour out his joy, peace and blessing in overpowering amounts, so that they and the folks they serve would be strengthened and blessed.

Monday, April 6, 2009

House of Cornelius April 6, 2009

After a light work week and rest, we are gearing up in preparations for the next team that will arrive Sunday night. The anticipation is high and we are excited to see what God does during their time here, both in their own lives and the lives of those in Juarez.

To start off the week, we had our weekly missionary staff meeting. Please be praying with us about the following needs:
-Health of the staff here, some are still fighting sickness
-Continued unity among the staff here, and unity for the upcoming team
-Ofelia needs wisdom regarding a situation involving her house in Mexico

Thank you for your prayers and support!