Monday, October 19, 2009

PRAYER: House of Cornelius- October 19, 2009

Please pray with us about the following:

  • Juarez and the violence.
  • Upcoming Team: Unity, health, and clarity in the presentation of the gospel
  • HoC Staff: Health and unity
  • Protectiona and safety of the drivers of the bus, which is arriving Friday
  • Elvia, who has jury duty this week. Please pray it does not conflict with next week's schedule
  • Ice machine is down. Please pray for a resonable repair or another machine

Praise reports

  • Computers are back up and running! We have not pin-pointed the problem, but we are at least able to move around on the network and access internet.
  • We have had a breakthrough in the paperwork to obtain the property that Jenny's Comedor is on. Praise God, we have been antisipating this for months!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Prayer: House of Cornelius- October 12, 2009

Some of the things mentioned during our prayer meeting are:

  • Preparation for the team coming the last week of July
  • Unity for the team coming and our team here as we all prepare
  • We are having many computer issues that will challenge our preparation for the teams. Please pray that they would be resloved.
  • Finances for HoC, North, and the teams coming
  • Juarez and the violence
  • Rebeca, a translator that has been with us for a while, is having some health issues. Also, protection for her and her family as they continue to live in Juarez.