Friday, February 27, 2009

Prayer: IFM North February 27th

Hi Folks

We have just had our little prayer gathering and there are various aspects of the IFM life and community that we would appreciate your prayers for. These are quite diverse and in some instances we have only given a general overview but would appreciate creative praying.

We prayed:

  • For God to intervene in the unrest in Juarez as it continues, but is now seemingly quite localized to certain areas and focused on various individuals. Recently the mayor of Juarez had to leave his city and seek asylum across the border in El Paso.

  • That the government officials, security authorities would be able to do their jobs and bring order to the city.

  • For the various churches in the city, that they would be able to bring the light of Gods kingdom during these dark times. Pray also for the IFM staff on the border that they would be protected as they move around the city.

  • For the upcoming outreaches that will be in Juarez, for strength, provision and peace. Also that they could be used as catalysts of the kingdom during their stay.

  • That God would grant favour on Grace and give it more work as well as thanking him for the work that has been given. Please pray for the guys who are in the workshop alongside Joe K that they would be strengthened as their work can often mean staying up late into the early hours fixing problems.

  • Robert as he ministers to a family in his church that are experiencing difficulties. Pray that Robert would have wisdom and the family would find favour and Christ would be their champion.

  • For some good friends and old colleges who have just had their seventh child a little daughter called Charys. Pray for them as the rest of their kids are sick and they need the healing touch of the spirit to minister to them hopefully before the baby comes back home.

  • For Gods favour for Sue ling as she travels down to Fabens to liaise with the city authorities and seeks to complete various administrative and legal issues.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Prayer: IFM North Feb. 6

  • Pray for the city of Juarez and the continuing violence. Pray for strength for God’s people in the city and that they would find hope in this time of hardship. Also pray for their protection. Also be praying for the gov. officials of Juarez and the border guards.
  • Grace Coach Line: Praise God that they have an abundant amount of work in the next couple weeks and continue to pray for more work for the future. Also, there are several positions needing to be filled so pray that God would bring the right people to fill those positions. Continue to pray for protection over the busses mechanically that nothing would go wrong during trips.
  • Charlie Reed is heading down to HOC this week to minister to the staff and missionaries. Please be praying for his protection as he travels and that his time down there will be a blessing to all.
  • There are three outreach teams going down between March and May so pray for the teams as they prepare and that they will feel God’s total peace about going into Juarez. On that note also be praying for their protection. Pray for God’s provision in numbers and financially for the teams
  • Be praying that God will bring in someone to take Linsey’s place this spring.
  • Pray for provision of a kitchen staff down at HOC
  • Praise God that IFM was able to secure a new office in Mexico. Pray that it will work well to the needs of IFM and that it will be a safe place.